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L2 clarification

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  • L2 clarification

    Couple of clarifications

    a) How long does it take for L1-L2 COS? When will I exactly know when I have to stop working in L1? I meant, will I have a buffer time when I will know the exact date from which the L2 will be valid so that that I can resign from my existing employer.
    b) Can I apply EAD along with L1-L2 COS?


  • #2
    a. You can stop working after the L2 application for COS has reached USCIS if you want to. But you should definitely stop working the day the COS is approved.
    b. No. You have to wait for L2 COS to be approved first to apply for EAD.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      Thanks TXH1B.
      Can you tell me how long it takes for the L1-L2 COS?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Hg77
        Thanks TXH1B.
        Can you tell me how long it takes for the L1-L2 COS?
        Check USCIS website for I-539. My guess is 2-6 months as always. A quicker option would be to get an L2 stamp and enter with L2 visa.
        Check out H1 FAQs first!





