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I-94 Extension: Can one travel back before extension is approved

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  • I-94 Extension: Can one travel back before extension is approved

    Hello Friends,
    My L1B blanket Visa is getting expired in Sep 2008, this will complete first 3 years of my visa. I have filed for I-94 extension.

    Due to family issues I might have to go back to India in near future and come back. If I go back, I would not be coming before Sep 2008.

    My questions are:
    1) Can I travel before my extension request is approved i.e. sometime in Aug?
    2) Can I travel after my extension request is approved but I-94 not received?
    3) What is the process if I travel back in above step 1?
    3) What is the process if I travel back in above step 2?

    Thanks a lot for your time...

  • #2
    1. Yes
    2. yes
    3. Nothing special. Need a new visa (if expired) and new approval notice to get I-94 till the new extension date to enter again. This would mean you waiting outside the country to get approval notice.
    4. Same as #3

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your help and the efforts you are putting in here to help people.

      Going to point 3:
      If I have applied for extension and go back to India before/after approval then also will my new I-94 form will be sent to my company? Will my company send it back to USCIS or to me? What would I do with that then, because I am anyway outside US?

      So after my application is approved (and at that time I am in India) you mean I just need to go for stamping to get a new visa without the hassle of submitting the application again...that means no difference whether I was in US or India when the application was approved...correct?
      Or will I have to get a NEW approval and this one is like waste?

      Thank You!


      • #4
        search for the word 'clone" on the forum.

        How you get the new approval notice is between you and the employer. USCIS will send to them or lawyer.

        You need the new approval notice to enter again with a valid visa. If you use the old approval notice, your I-94 will be given till DOE of that petition and that will require a new extension to be filed. Read the clone post for more details on what all are possible.

        If you leave after you get the approval notice, it is the best thing to do and travel.

        I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.





