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Impact of Secondary Inspection : Need immediate help

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  • Impact of Secondary Inspection : Need immediate help

    Dear All,

    I came to US in Feb 2009 on b1 visa. At the port of entry, they send me for a secondary inspection.

    I see only 2 reasons for that.

    1.Return ticket was booked for 2 months instead of 3
    2.My L1 blanket was approved during that period.

    anyway, Once they saw my invitation was recieved on the day of travel(which is true) , they granted me 3 months visa.

    My company is asking me to comeback in L1 .

    The questions are

    1. Will there be any issues during Visa Stamping or Port of entry.

    2.If you had undergone secondary inspection once, will you be needed to go for secondory insp.. every time you enter to USA?

    I am planning to bring my family and I am tensed, Please advice.

  • #2
    The two reasons you mentioned may not trigger a secondary. It might be something else like your name, your behavior etc. You have nothing to worry if everything at your end is correct.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3

      Thanks for the response

      I forgot to mention that, this was my second visit in last year. I came in B1 in may 2008 and stayed for 2 months.

      So, that could have been one issue.


      • #4
        Didn't they admit you after secondary inspection? That means they were satisfied with your request to enter. So don't worry.
        This is my opinion and not legal advice.





