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Returning 4 months before Visa Expiry

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  • Returning 4 months before Visa Expiry


    L1 and L2 visas for me and my family and the I-94s are valid till 21-Feb-2010. I am planning for a vacation to India in Sep'09 and will return to US in Oct'09. After my return my VISA will be valid for 4 months. I have heard that immigration officers are not allowing people whose VISA is valid for less than 6 months. Is that true? Is there a such a restriction?

    However I am planning to file for an extension with the new I-94 after my return.

  • #2
    False. Just crappy rumors.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      Originally posted by txh1b View Post
      False. Just crappy rumors.
      Yes...I entered just 20 days earlier my visa expiry(apr 19) and the Kind POE immigration officer enquired about my situation and gave 10 extra days in I-94(until apr-29) to have a little more buffer time to apply for xtension.





