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please suggest me a good decission

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  • please suggest me a good decission

    I am on L2, working on EAD in US since November,2008 and had the visa valid through March,2009.

    we had a very hard time now.My husband has no project,he is on bench since 3 months. His employer is insisting us to goback to India.
    Even though it's the employer who has to pay for the labour(GC),we paid from our pocket in Feb,2008. Now the employer has to apply for the extension of the visa in December,2009.

    My husband is working for the same company for the last 4 years, but still the emploer doesn't have the minimum courtesy and intentionally insisting him to leave US.

    we are even paying the total tax,adp and all and requesting him to allow us to stay here until he get a project or atleast until the time the visa is extended and if still he is not placed on any project by that time, we will leave to India happily once the visa is extended.But, he is a kind of use and throw guy.

    Now no one are willing to do new H1 visa and more over I loose the job if any one of us change the status now. Please sugest me the better solution for this toughest problem I had ever faced.

    Thanks much and regards,

  • #2
    If you spend little more time on this forum, you will realize that you are not the only one going through such tough situation. This is US and Laws are on top of everything.

    If your husband is not on any project and not getting paid then you are in more trouble of being out of status. This will affect your future stamping.

    There is no point in waiting until visa gets extended if there are no projects for him. If your husband is in legal status (getting paid), then he can wait until he find any project and get transferred. But, if he is not getting paid then better both of you leave US asap and wait for an another opportunity.

    Wish you good luck.
    I am not a lawyer and this is not a legal advice. Use it at your own risk. Consult professionals before getting into an action.





