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Expired L1 and can't fly due to unavailable dependent visa for newborn kid ...

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  • Expired L1 and can't fly due to unavailable dependent visa for newborn kid ...

    Hi All,
    I am with company A on L1 visa until Jan 2011. I am planning to quit that company and join company B on H1-B. I am planning to quit company A on 31st August and apply H1-B next week which should be submitted by 31st August.

    Question 1:- Once I quit company A, I will be asked to leave USA as I will no longer be on valid visa. Can I stay back in USA as company B has already submitted H1-B documents?

    Question 2:- If answer to first question is "No", then I would like to understand if I can stay back in USA until I get US passport and Indian Visa for my newborn kid. Would that be legal? (** I had a baby recently and we are still waiting for passport and visa)

    Please help.
    Last edited by nishantsharma135; 08-10-2009, 03:38 PM.

  • #2
    You are allowed to remain in the US on a pending petition but however, in your specific case, that may not apply as H1b period starts from Oct 1st and you have a gap in status for one full month due to which a COS cannot be applied.

    You can get a passport for a child fairly quick if that is preventing travel however, you need to look at other things before you can fly a young infant on a trans-atlantic/pacific flight.

    You can apply for a COS to B1/B2 before you quit L1 company. However, if any of your status requests get denied, you along with the family will accumulate illegal stay/out of status period which could have bad consequences.

    Talk to your lawyer and read about "bridging" on the forum.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.





