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L1 B Petition expired, have Valid I94 for 10 months.

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  • L1 B Petition expired, have Valid I94 for 10 months.


    My L1 Blanket and Visa got expired, but i have a valid I 94 for 11 more months.

    Immigration help which is in my company says that i can initiate for L1 B extension when it comes only 6 months to its expiration date.

    1. Is there any rule that i should apply for L1 B extension when it is just 6 months to expire?

    2. Will UCSIS reject my L1 extension just bcoz i initiated well before 10 months?

    I am planning to initiate a Visitor visa for my parents and also provide the sponsor documents. It looks like impossible to proceed with this step unless i have a Valid petition.

    Pls help


  • #2
    You can sponsor the visit visa based on the I-94 which indicates your valid stay. I am not sure about how the blanket L1 petition works.

    Your company is right as the extension cannot be filed 6 months prior to the I-94 expiration. They will not accept the application if filed earlier.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.





