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L1B visa with or without spouse

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  • L1B visa with or without spouse

    Hi All.
    i am filimg my L1B visa. My spouse has a high paying job in India. Will it be negative in my interview?
    also, he will come to US after 6 months due to work commitmment. So should i file L1B for myself only? And file for him later. Will that increase my chances of conversion?

    Thanks in Advance.

  • #2
    Your wife job has nothing to do with your visa.

    L1 are dual intent visa - which means you do not need to prove ties to your home country (like other non-immigrant visas). So leaving your wife behind or taking her along won't really impact your L1 visa.
    - I am not an Attorney, hence not giving any legal advice. Just sharing MY opinion with an intent to help others.

    If my opinion helping you, then please do click "like" button below.





