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L1 - Blanket Visa Approved

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  • L1 - Blanket Visa Approved

    Hi All,

    First of all thank you so much for the website and everybody who has shared their experiences here. It helped my preparation a lot. Now for my story, I attended my L1 Blanket visa interview 01/02/2020.

    Me : Good morning (prepared something extra like how are you doing today and happy new year, But everything flew out the window when the person before me got his visa Rejected )

    VO : please handover your passports and I797 copies (please arrange your I797, I29s, DS160 Conf, passport)

    Me : Gave only my passport and docs.

    VO: please handover your dependent docs as well.

    Me : sorry, handed over.

    VO: Which company do you work for?

    Me : Xxx

    VO: starts typing... How long have you been working for this company?

    Me : 4.8 yrs

    VO: will you be working in one of the branches of your company?

    Me : yes

    VO: where is it?

    Me : xxx city in xxx State.

    VO: so What's your specialisation?

    Me : starts answering, but the person in the next counter was talking louder than me. Hence asked me to switch places with my wife to be near the Mike.

    VO: so you were saying that you create reports?

    Me : yeah and continued my prepared answer for 3 sentences.

    VO: interrupts me in between and asked about how long am I married.

    Me : Answered

    VO: Asks some basic personal details from my wife.

    ​​​​​​Starts setting things up in order. I was really happy. Then I heard the Words that haunted me for so long.. "Your Visa Application is approved"
    Once again thanks all for your help.. Be prepared and be calm.. The first few seconds are very crucial according to me.

  • #2
    Congratulations & thanks for sharing your experience.
    - I am not an Attorney, hence not giving any legal advice. Just sharing MY opinion with an intent to help others.

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