Hi there, want you experts opinion on timelines.
- UK citizen, wife is Mexican on L1A
- currently in-country in US switching from an L1 to an L2 (my wife's)
- submitted application for L2 and EAD mid-November & have received change of status receipt
- I've had J1 and L1 visas in the past with no issues so likely would be able to skip embassy interview
- how long are people seeing for the L2 to come through when applying in-country, I'm currently at ~3.5 months
- the London embassy has announced interview waivers, I'd likely be eligible, do you think it would be quicker to travel to UK, apply through embassy and fly back?
- if applying through the US I would plan to fly to Mexico and re-enter on L2 to get the L2S so I don't need to wait for EAD ... are people being successful with this or is it hit-or-miss?
- would I cause myself any pain in the future by abandoning my in-country L2 application (wife is in GC process)
- UK citizen, wife is Mexican on L1A
- currently in-country in US switching from an L1 to an L2 (my wife's)
- submitted application for L2 and EAD mid-November & have received change of status receipt
- I've had J1 and L1 visas in the past with no issues so likely would be able to skip embassy interview
- how long are people seeing for the L2 to come through when applying in-country, I'm currently at ~3.5 months
- the London embassy has announced interview waivers, I'd likely be eligible, do you think it would be quicker to travel to UK, apply through embassy and fly back?
- if applying through the US I would plan to fly to Mexico and re-enter on L2 to get the L2S so I don't need to wait for EAD ... are people being successful with this or is it hit-or-miss?
- would I cause myself any pain in the future by abandoning my in-country L2 application (wife is in GC process)