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221 G administrative processing at Hyderabad issued white form

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  • 221 G administrative processing at Hyderabad issued white form

    Hi ,
    Just wanted to share updates on the 221g admin processing and the time required for processing,
    I attended VISA interview on 19th April 2011 and my VISA was kept under hold for further admin processing,
    I was a bit tensed during the interview and was working for a chemical company, so I beleive that they have kept mine on hold,
    the status was" case being processed for admin processing"
    while giving the white form the VO told that I need not come to consulate again! but stil i was worried about the time as there was an urgnet role for me in US,
    finally I waited for about 2-3 weeks and got my VISA approved and passport on May 5th 2011,
    Just have faith and if possible go to Chilkur Balaji temple which I did after it was kept on Hold!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by vramakarthikey View Post
    Hi ,
    Just wanted to share updates on the 221g admin processing and the time required for processing,
    I attended VISA interview on 19th April 2011 and my VISA was kept under hold for further admin processing,
    I was a bit tensed during the interview and was working for a chemical company, so I beleive that they have kept mine on hold,
    the status was" case being processed for admin processing"
    while giving the white form the VO told that I need not come to consulate again! but stil i was worried about the time as there was an urgnet role for me in US,
    finally I waited for about 2-3 weeks and got my VISA approved and passport on May 5th 2011,
    Just have faith and if possible go to Chilkur Balaji temple which I did after it was kept on Hold!!
    Congrats and thanks for sharing your experience. Very less people share their positive experience on forum, people come in forum when they have problem but rarely they comeback to forum after their issue gets resolved causing orphan threads on forum...


    • #3
      Yeah, that is very much true, people should post positive results as even i was checking this forum for anyone who can provide atleast an estimate of time,however still we know that depends on individual circumstances,it would be good if people post them.





