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L2 to H4 back to L2

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  • L2 to H4 back to L2

    Hi ,

    I was on L2 with valid EAD. My spouse filed for status change from L1 to H1 for him and L2 to H4 for my self with change of status. His H1 got approved and my petition was still in pending status.
    However he wished to continue with company holding his L1 for some reasons beyonf his control.
    He reverted to L1 staus by moving out of conutry and coming back on L1. We also submitted request to USCIS to withdrw my H4 petition which is still in pending status.
    Can any one kindly help me with below questiones?

    If USCIS withdraws the petition will i hold valid L2 status and will EAD assocaited with it remain valid? if not ; Is going back to other country and retruning back to US the only way to return to valid L2 status and will it keep the EAD associated with it valid or should i file for new EAD?

    Seeking help.

  • #2
    If USCIS withdraws the petition will i hold valid L2 status and will EAD assocaited with it remain valid?
    >>> Yes.

    if not ; Is going back to other country and retruning back to US the only way to return to valid L2 status and will it keep the EAD associated with it valid or should i file for new EAD?
    >>> Going out and returning is the fastest way to get back to L2. You can use the same EAD. You should do that immediately upon receiving the H4 approval (if at all. In theory, the H4 should not get approved since your spouse is no longer in H1B status).
    Not a legal advice. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk.





