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L1 A Blanket rejected and got blue slip

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  • L1 A Blanket rejected and got blue slip

    L1 A Blanket rejected and got blue slip 8 CFR 214.2(I)(II)(D) and INA 101(a)(15)(L)

    The VO did not ask for any documents, he asked only questions and rejected the L1 A blanket. Should I produce any documents or is it rejected?

  • #2
    it is rejected unfortunately...


    • #3
      Can I try to schedule for an interview again for the same L1A application


      • #4
        you can but considering you were found ineligible for L1A blanket application, dont you think your chances of procuring a visa with a blanket L1A petition are pretty less ?


        • #5
          Earlier I have travelled on the same visa

          Earlier I have travelled on the same visa, so was very confident that it should go through. The only thing that I feel is the Visa Officer did not see any of the supporting letters from my office. If he had see the documents, he would not have had any questions. Every one feels that this is a very rare chance of L1A blanket getting rejected where are all the relevant information are correct


          • #6
            its your decision...there is no guarantee the VO you get next time will see your docs or even assume that since you have just been rejected on a L1A blanket, you are not eligible...





