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L1A Blanket Visa Rejected

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  • L1A Blanket Visa Rejected

    Hi, I appeared for my L1A Blanket visa interview on 6th Jan 2012. And after a short 3 minute interview, it was rejected. The consular officer mentioned that there are other ways for me to travel to US and did not say anything more. The reason for rejection as ticked in the rejection slip was that the consular was not convinced that I met the requirements of the category. I have been working for the same company for 6 yrs (joined as a campus recruit) and got an MBA last year from an international university.

    I now need to know the best possible option for me to travel. Since the H1B cap for this year is over, applying for next year H1B will only let me travel from start of October 2012, which will be too late for my role. It would be very helpful if any of you know what is the next best step for me to take. Do you suggest for individual L1 petition? or I found some meagre info on "B1 in lieu of H1B" so anyone who has idea about this? Thanks a ton, in advance, for helping out!

  • #2
    L1A Blanket Visa Rejected

    L1A is for managerial/executive persons. 6 Years exp is on the low side for L1A. B1 visa is for trainings, business meetings etc. If your intent is working in US then the only option immediately would be to go for L1-Individual. L1s have been heavily scrutinized of late so work closely with your immigration team for preparing a strong case. This is my opinion, please do seek expert opinion too.





