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L1B resignation and travel to india on British Air

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  • L1B resignation and travel to india on British Air


    I am currently working in US on L-1B visa which is valid till May 2013 . The I-94 is also valid til May-2013.

    I am currently planning to resign from my job in a month or so and return to India.

    I have accumulated lot of miles on British Airways hence I want to use those to book my return flight. Trouble is that I need to have a valid UK visa (transit/visitors) OR a valid US visa to fly via London (even if I am not entering the city)

    My visa stamp will still say May 2013 but I read elsewhere on the forum that it won't be valid from the day my employment ends. So I am wondering whether I should ask my employer to let me travel before my last day on job so that I am still on valid visa when I travel? Or should i just avoid the mess and book a flight on Emirates/Qatar etc?

    Thanks in Advance

  • #2
    You are getting confused over visa and petition. The visa in the passport will remain valid even after you quit your job. Only the consulate can cancel the visa. You can transit through U.K with a valid U.S visa and no need to get a transit visa. Talk to the airlines to get more information.
    Not a legal advice. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk.


    • #3

      Thanks Shervin! That clears up my confusion!





