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L1 Visa eligibility

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  • L1 Visa eligibility


    I have been working as a senior consultant for an IT company for past 2 years. After initial 10 months I was deputed to another country on a project. Since in that country my company didn't have office they processed my work permit from another company which naturally also processed my payroll.

    Now problem is as follows :

    1. Technically I am still 'employed' with this IT company for 2 years having payslips for 2 Years.
    2. I also have payslips of this payroll company from this 'Payroll' company for period after 9 months i.e Month 10 to Month 24

    Now how to address this in my DS160 form?

    Although I am still employed by this IT company for 2 years how do I show this 'Payroll 'company on DS160 Form? Is it 'Previous employment' ? If I show this as previous employment then technically am I ineligible for L1?

    It is a catch 22 situation.Appreciate immencely if someone has faced this situation and can guide me through this phase.





