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OCI in lieu of PIO (document upload stage)

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  • OCI in lieu of PIO (document upload stage)

    I am using the online service available at {https://passport.gov.in/oci/welcome} to convert my 9 year old daughter's PIO to an OCI
    before time runs out by the end of this year. I have finished PART-A and PART-B of the application forms and have also uploaded
    images of her photo and signature.

    I am at a point where I am supposed to be uploading supporting documents. So far it seems obvious I would need to upload her
    PIO card and her US Passport. Questions are:

    1) Just so I can anticipate what more I would need, does anybody have an idea what _other_ documents I would need to upload?

    2) This is the more important question -- the site wants the documents in PDF format and that they should be less than 500KB.
    Has anyone managed to accomplish this? The PIO card contains 3 (6 sides) pages. If you can scan them in an open-book fashion
    and collate them into a PDF file then the smallest such file ends up being at least 1.5MB. Not to mention her US passport is going
    to have far more pages to scan and would definitely shoot well over 2MB. Can anyone who has gone through this earlier help me
    understand how to meet these requirements?

  • #2
    OCI in lieu of PIO - prepping documents for upload

    For the documents needing to be uploaded: for OCI in lieu of PIO, according to the document checklist you only have to upload current passport and PIO, in addition to the photo and signature. I hope that is reliable info - I've just finished the document upload stage.

    I struggled with the image sizes for a bit. Here's what worked for me finally

    1. Resize scanned images using photo editing software - I used MS Paint & also Cyberlink Photo Director (came preinstalled with my PC). Any free photo editing software should work. Select the pixel size and choose a small size, say 360x512 pixels. With this approach I got images that were about 50 to 60 KB each for the PIO card page scans.

    2. Next open MS Word (I am using Word 2016) and insert image into the document. Drag the outline to resize the image to a reasonable size. Do this for all the scanned images of the PIO card. I had a 3 page document. Now 'Save As' PDF format. This gave me a PDF that was under 500 KB.





