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Residency in USA

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  • Residency in USA


    I am a Software Engineer at an MNC in Mumbai. My husband is a doctor and doing his post graduation in Paediatrics.

    He is planning to take up USMLE after completing his PG by June this year.

    Since I am into software, I may get an opportunity to move to USA on a Non-Immigrant visa. However, as far as I know, in order to start his residency from USA, my husband will have to acquire an H1 or J1 visa of his own.

    Could you please help me into this and let me know as to what is the scenario in terms of getting an H1 or J1. Would it be easier for my husband to acquire it? Would he be risking his career on trying USMLE for 2 years after Post graduation and then going for getting a visa.

    Please help




