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Visa Renewal with new Passport Name

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  • Visa Renewal with new Passport Name


    I am an international student (Master's) currently studying in the US. I want to renew my F-1 student visa when I travel home in July since my graduation is not till December 2016.
    There was a mistake on my passport where my entire name was printed on Given Name and since I did not have time to correct it before I flew out to the US, my (currently expired) visa name ended up as FNU "full name", but my US documents (i20, i94, SSN) have my correct details ("name" "surname").

    So, I wanted to correct the name on my passport and then apply for the new visa so that all the records are matching. Is it necessary my new visa should have the same details as my old one for the renewal process? Will this affect the process in any way? What all additional documents should I submit for the Dropbox, if this is not a problem?

    Thank you in advance for the time and help.





