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F1 Visa rejected

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  • F1 Visa rejected

    VO: What are you doing right now in your master's in micro/nano systems.
    He: not in masters
    VO: On which you will work there and with whom?
    He: Biodiesel and Dr. ZZZ
    VO: How will you use micro/nano in your research give me example?
    HE: i do not have any in my mind right now and I am not sure if I will use micro/nano in biodiesel, but i will take course work related to chemical engg.
    VO: On what your professor recently worked on?
    He: she uses ionic liquids or chemicals to convert biomass to biofuel.
    VO: Do you Have any research plan
    He: no, I just contacted the professor and she is working on biodiesel.
    VO: if you have chemical background and why they giving you micro/nano concentration.
    He: I said they do not provide chemical concentration.

    Finally she said if you want to do a quality work in chemical engg ask your school about it and figure it out and apply again, because school is not fulfilling your intention of research on chem rather providing degree in micro/nano systems.

    His concentration in micro/nano scales matches with his future research intensively but he was not aware as he did not know the whole research plan he will be pursuing..so he told that it wont be used in his research...so visa officer told to figure this out with the school and apply again..like why they gave admission in micro/nano concentration when its not related to his research in chem engg.
    now he got a letter from the director of chem and her future adviser that her work will be related to the micro/nano..
    Now he is taking visa appt again next week.
    my queation is this time how should he justify his previous answer that this wont b used and now he is going to say that it will b useful in research
    thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Sumegha Godara View Post
    VO: How will you use micro/nano in your research give me example?
    HE: i do not have any in my mind right now and I am not sure if I will use micro/nano in biodiesel, but i will take course work related to chemical engg.

    ..now he got a letter from the director of chem and her future adviser that her work will be related to the micro/nano..
    Contradictory. Seems like the answer got changed just to obtain a visa; sounds desperate to a CO. Those letters are easily obtained and thus hardly hold value.


    • #3
      Originally posted by daggit View Post
      Contradictory. Seems like the answer got changed just to obtain a visa; sounds desperate to a CO. Those letters are easily obtained and thus hardly hold value.
      But that is the truth. his professor is joining the university from Fall so the future research plans were not discussed, after visa rejecting when he asked then she explained briefly, that it will be related to his concentration. So please advice in which words he should explain this.





