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I need advice

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  • I need advice

    So, after graduating college in the UK I decided to take a year off and so I went to the U.S. on a B2 Visa, where I stayed for 5 months. (July - Dec)
    I really liked LA so I decided to study there (at USC) and so I began my application process.
    Then I was invited for an interview and thought it would be a great idea to go in LA again. (Jan)

    I had the hardest time at the customs, where they LET ME STAY ONLY FOR A MONTH.
    My intention were clear and I had all the money to cover my "gap year" but it was not appreciated by the immigration office.

    In 2 weeks period I flew back (completed the interview) and stayed in my home country.

    Now I got into college and want to go back on a student visa, F1.

    Do you think they will give me the same hard time, or even refuse my entry?
    Do they have records of what happened?
    If that's the case, I might consider not going to the US for postgraduate.

    Please help

  • #2
    In my experience, there isn't something like a "gap year" in the US. This may have been the red flag the last time.
    Not legal advice.


    • #3
      Typical max. allowed period of stay for a B2 (a visitor visa) is 6 months at a time, provided your visits are separated by a reasonable amount of time of stay outside the US. That is why you were allowed only 1 month the 2nd time. Also, frequent long visits to the US on a B2 are considered an abuse of the "visitor visa" and a re frowned upon by CBP, and you will be warned regarding the same. They do have records of your visits. Having said that, since you did not overstay, and you are applying for a F1, and that too from a big school like USC, you should have no problems. Your previous encounter with the CBP was merely due to your long stay and an almost immediate visit again, and had nothing to do with whether you were financially able to support yourself.
      Just an opinion; Not legal advice.





