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F-1 Visa SEVIS may be terminated soon?

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  • F-1 Visa SEVIS may be terminated soon?

    I was offered a job by a professor as an assistant. I informed him I was an International Student, and had to get proper work Authorization. I applied for the Work Authorization and was approved. I worked for 3 months, without a Social Security without being asked for one. I realized I needed a social security and asked the International office to give me a letter. The DSO was confused as to how the Professor was paying me without a social security. I received a social security letter, and work authorization renewal, but now as I go over how the Professor is paying me, I think he is paying me illegally, with out the school's knowledge and has been doing it for years with past Student Assistants, which includes other international students who may have never reported work.

    I took the steps to receive proper work authorization, but now I am scared that if and when i bring it up to the DSO they might say it is unauthorized illegal employment, despite the fact that I received work authorization. I thought that if I was offered a job on campus as a student assistant, that the professor would follow the law and need a social security and inform the college.

    Do you think this would be considered unauthorized employment, despite getting employment authorization?

    Would they terminate my SEVIS? and do you think I have grounds for reinstatement for failures by the Professor and DSO when it comes to my work authorization?

  • #2
    You were paid through the University's payroll system, and you worked less than 20 hours a week, right? You're all good - even if you didn't have a SSN assigned to you then. That's how it works, you usually begin working before getting an SSN assigned

    Even if the professor was paying you under the table out of his pocket to provide services to his students, you're still covered by "on-campus employment" see 8CFR214.2(9)(i)

    On-campus employment must either be performed on the school's premises, (including on-location commercial firms which provide services for students on campus, such as the school bookstore or cafeteria), or at an off-campus location which is educationally affiliated with the school. Employment with on-site commercial firms, such as a construction company building a school building, which do not provide direct student services is not deemed on-campus employment for the purposes of this paragraph
    Last edited by inadmissible; 09-07-2017, 01:52 PM.





