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J-1 to F-1 (au pair to student change of status) 3 questions about filling in I-539

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  • J-1 to F-1 (au pair to student change of status) 3 questions about filling in I-539

    Hi! I’m an au pair in US that want to change my status from J-1 to F-1. Right now I’m in 9-months extension which expires on 3rd of January 2018 (my program started on 3rd of April 2016). Then, I guess I have 30 days grace period of staying in US. I’m filling in I-539 (change of status form) and I have 3 questions (I’m trying to explain them as accurate as possible, that’s why it looks so huge):

    Part 1. 12.b. Expiration Date - is it original expiration date of my J-1 (04/03/2017), the last day of extension (01/03/2018) or 30 days of grace period after (01/31/2018)?

    Part 3. 1.a. “I/We request that my/our current or requested status be extended until”
    1.b. “Check this box if you were granted, or are seeking, Duration of Status (D/S) - my I-20 says that program’s end date is 16 January 2021 but this is just an associate degree, probably I will decide to do an OPT after or maybe even bachelor’s degree so it’s possible that end date won’t be enough. Should I leave 1.a. empty and just check the box in 1.b. (duration of status)? Or maybe should I write the end date of 01/16/2021?

    Part 4. 19 “Have you or, or any other person included in this application, been employed in the United States since last admitted or granted an extension or change of status?” I’m still an au pair so I’m in an au pair agency but I live with the host family and get stipend directly from them, not the company. Should I consider this as work? There is a whole section where you can describe the employment: “the name of the person employed, name and address of the employer (this is tricky, should I write Cultural Care and address of their office or name of host family and their address?), weekly income, and whether the employment was specifically authorized by USCIS.”

    Thanks in advance, I hope that everything’s clear!





