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  • please help


    As i hav go 70 in toefl I hav got I20 stating that i am not proficient in english. will this be a problem for my visa.....

    please let me know as i am very worried and hav an appointment on nov 2nd.

  • #2
    Yes it can be. 70/300 ..correct me if am wrong unless they have a new pattern now. Am not sure which university gave you the admission but a low score may be an issue. Depends on how you talk to the officer too. But yes this is a low score and try taking up the exam again.
    Note that this is not a legal advice. Consult your immigration attorney for the best upto-date information.


    • #3

      it is 70/120........
      wat kind of qs will i face..........


      • #4
        The university may ask you to take english class. The visa-officer may ask you about how will you manage with the language. You need to be confident and speak proper English to the Visa officer. Communication is a big factor here, I have seen people who struggle to speak and dont get the visa. Probably you can get a letter from the university stating that even though XYZ has this on the i-20,XYZ will be taking classes at the uni.But this letter may or may not help. A good university will ask for higher scores and have certain requirements.The problem you may face is that the VO shouldnt think you are using a university just to get into the US since you have a low score.
        Note that this is not a legal advice. Consult your immigration attorney for the best upto-date information.


        • #5

          thank u for the reply.....
          I hav good communication skills, I do speak english very well.... only problem i faced was during reading section in toefl was comprehension which I am bad at and fetched me only 10/30 (for my bad luck I also had testing section in this which i really got bugged off)...... other sec i hav scored 15,20 and 25..... i.e., listening, speaking and writing....
          can i tell this problem to VO will this help me...

          thank u very much for reply....
          this can help me a bit to improve my confidence..

          thank you once again....


          • #6
            I didnt mean to say you cant speak english well. Never say to the VO that you are bad at something even if its reading comprehension. The VO doesnt care about 15-20. It is based on how you communicate to the VO and speak confidently. Dont say that you were bad at reading comprehension, you never know he may say "go back and do well". So you dont want to get caught up in that.Just tell him that you did well and you put in effort but you can manage with the language and communication will never be a problem. This he will take note with the way you talk right when the interview starts. Maintain good eye contact and answer boldly with confidence,honesty and answer to the point. Answer to things only if asked, do not give any extra explaination and all that.All the best.
            Last edited by topcatin; 10-17-2007, 10:20 AM.
            Note that this is not a legal advice. Consult your immigration attorney for the best upto-date information.


            • #7

              Thank u soo much for the advice. I will try my best to convince the VO.
              thanks once again.


              • #8
                No prob. All the best. Remember only if asked why less score and stuff then speak.
                Note that this is not a legal advice. Consult your immigration attorney for the best upto-date information.





