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applying for F1

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  • applying for F1

    Hello everyone!

    I am a student in Europe, who got accepted to a US institution for a PhD program. I have several questions related to application of F1 visa. Please, if any of you have good ideas, or even experiences share it with me! Thank you!

    1. If I don't have a house, car, company in my home country, what else could I bring that would make the consulates believe that I don't have an intention of staying in the US?

    2. The professor wants me to travel to the US over the summer, way before the actual school program stars. He wants me to start helping them in the research. However, I've heard that one can only enter into the country on an F1 visa 30 days prior when the instruction beings at the school. Can he write a letter asking the border guy, (or whoever) that he really wants me to leave earlier? Would they let me in then?

    3. My father wanted a birthday suprise which was a suprise, but not a happy one for me. He actually applied me into the DV 2009 lottery (I'm over 21), because he simply thought that my tuition would be cheaper if I had a permanent resident card in my hand. However, when I got to know this I completely freaked out because first of all, I know that it doesn't give anyone a resident tuition at schools immediately. Second, because I am trying to apply for an F1 visa over the summer, and if it turned out in May that I won, I'm sure they would deny my F1 visa. What should I do? Could I just tell them if they ask whether I applied for DV lottery that I didn't? Or should I tell them that my father did, and I didn't win, or I won, but would not like to take any action on this?

    Please, if anyone has ideas above my three questions, let me know! Thank you very much!

  • #2

    Please people! If anyone has any idea, I would be really glad to get some feedback! I'm really anxious....thank you!


    • #3
      1. You need to show ties to family or profession/job prospects in the home country after the PhD when you return. Every F1 applicant has that presumed immigrant intent that one needs to overcome for the visa.Any financial aid from the school/professor grants etc will work in your favor.

      2. You can only enter 30 days before the school starts. No exceptions.

      3. If you have a pending immigrant petition, you can forget about F1 visa (purely nonimmigrant). Applying for DV shows you have plans for becoming a PR sooner or later. But just an application may not hurt. If you get picked in the lottery, you are risking F1 visa once you file the paperwork for claiming the benefit of the lottery.

      I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


      • #4
        thanks for your response

        Thank you for your response....
        ok, so for ties to a country: would having a family in my homecountry (my whole family, I mean) and a letter from my current employer that they would like me to work with them after finishing my program would be sufficient?
        2. got it, I will not enter 30 days before...
        3. I will not act on my winning notification, in case if I won. So, if I apply for an F visa near soon and while applying it turns out that I won (hopefully not, but IF) then if I don't act on that, would they believe me that I have no intention of staying in the US? Because I don't, and that's why I don't even want to win at all, so at least I wouldn't have to deal with that....

        Sorry for asking again, I just want to make sure of everything! Again, thank you for your response, you're really kind!
        Please take care!


        • #5
          No one can tell with conviction what will satisfy a VO for overcoming the potential immigrant burden for F1 visa. In general, showing ties to family members in the home country, having property from parents, responsibility to look after parents in their old age, having a job offer from employer upon completion of studies, having some agenda about your future after study (For example, A person going for MBA can say that his studies will help run his existing family business more efficiently). All these things help.

          As you are going for a PhD, if it is in the science field, the possibility of a visa is high if your GRE/TOEFL scores are good and if your past academic accomplishments speak of it.

          Good Luck!

          I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


          • #6
            thank you

            Thank you for your response again, txh1b. I hope I'll qualify for a student visa then..I mean, I don't have any properties, but my family is in my homecountry, and I might as well going to get a letter from my current employer that he wants me back after I finish my studies in the US. Also, my TOEFL score was almost the top score and I was a straight A student throughout my whole school years, both in the university both back in secondary school. Do you say these all would help? I'm sooo afraid, but I'm so glad having you around here, who is willing to answer and help!
            Thank you! You're really nice!
            Please take care!


            • #7
              Originally posted by sharpy102
              I'm sooo afraid, but I'm so glad having you around here, who is willing to answer and help!
              Thank you! You're really nice!
              Please take care!
              I see that you claim to be a stright-A student and have an excellent TOEFL score. You only seem to be lacking confidence. Pride yourself for your performance in schools. An admit (I-20) or two from one of the top schools, if you already have it, should also help boost your confidence.

              Oh, if you win the DV lottery, why care about the F1?
              Last edited by DMX17; 04-10-2008, 10:11 AM.
              Check out H1 FAQs first!


              • #8

                hello DMX17,

                Ugh, thanks! Well, things I guess might change, since I've been reading through lots of things over the internet about schooling (I know nothing about school, and immigration issues). I'm getting a feeling I might get a j visa since, my professor will cover my tuition and all that fees (I haven't got my I-20 yet). So, I guess then it means I'm "funded by the US gvt, or an international orgainzation that the US is a treasury of". I'm not sure though...but I just have this guess...I've read it today over th internet. Am I correct? About lacking confidence...well, I've heard that lot of people get turned down even if they're accepted, so I'm pretty scared that I'll get turned down as well. About the DV, no I don't want to win it because then they would sure reject my F or J visa.....and if I get an F visa, I'm happy I'm in the US, or if I get the J visa, same. (also, I think 212e would make it impossible to do any type of AOS)
                Well, if you happen to have some good ideas, feel free to share it! And thank you for your comment! I'm quiet shocked that people are so helpful on this board! Thank you to everybody!!!!
                Have a nice rest of the weekend!


                • #9
                  Do I have a chance for F1 after a J1 deny?

                  Here is my unpleasant situations :

                  I have been on a summer work and travel program in the US for the past 3 summers. I graduated this year, and I decided to go on Career training program for 12 months. Me and my two other friends found out future employer online, very nice people, prepared all the documents, training plans for us very quick. We have always been coming back from the US on time and everything. So we didn't even think we night have any kinds of problems. Unfortunately life made a very bad joke with us. We did not get visas. Any of us. I was not even asked absolutely ANY QUESTIONS. That was the problem, how can i convince somebody in something, if i dont even have this chance. The only thing she told me was that I have been enough times in the US, and that if I go one more time, I risk to make more friends and relations there, then in my home country? Since when making friends is illegal? I realize that for them I am a potential immigrant, but I have never planned to stay illegally there or anything like that. Well that destroyed my life, because I met my boyfriend there 3 years ago, who was already waiting there for me with. Unfortunately he can not do anything, he send letters to government institutions for help and advise, I also did an appeal here - the only thing I wanted was a second interview so i can actually say something, I was not given one
                  After a week of drama, didnt eat and sleep, and terrible thoughts for ending a life, we decided we should try again .. but this time for a student F1 visa for the Spring semester in January .. we are making crazy plans to go somewhere abroad again, somewhere we can make and save some money for school in January . ..
                  I need help and advise .. do you think we have chance? If we can finance our education in a good school, proof of owning a property, car , all of my family members are in my home country, a contract with employer that they will hire me after finishing my education? Do you think we have chance? If somebody has similar experience .. please help us .. ..
                  Thank you





