Hi guys,
First of let me congratulate the site owners for putting up such a fabulous site! You're doing a great job!!
Here's my case. I've been admitted to a top10 university in US but with zero funding. To get my i-20 I used my uncle's account to show funds. Now after that my dad applied for a study loan and got it sanctioned. So my studies will be funded through the loan. Problem is that I'm confused now as to what I should tell VO when he asks who'll be funding you. Coz i-20 says its my uncle and then I would contradict i-20 by saying that I got a loan now.
Can you please help me ?
First of let me congratulate the site owners for putting up such a fabulous site! You're doing a great job!!
Here's my case. I've been admitted to a top10 university in US but with zero funding. To get my i-20 I used my uncle's account to show funds. Now after that my dad applied for a study loan and got it sanctioned. So my studies will be funded through the loan. Problem is that I'm confused now as to what I should tell VO when he asks who'll be funding you. Coz i-20 says its my uncle and then I would contradict i-20 by saying that I got a loan now.
Can you please help me ?