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Two Year Requirements

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  • Two Year Requirements

    Sorry for another message (unfortunately the past one was not answered), but I still have another questions on the "two years home requirement".

    1) The two year requirement can be satisfied by summing different periods, separated by other international experiences?

    2) After the completition of the requirement, what I must do to "prove it"? Specifically, what I must do for require a new visa? It is the standard procedure, or I must add something that prove my permanence in my home country?

    Thanks again!

  • #2
    Yes, the two year requirement can be satisfied by summing different periods, but these days should be in your home country. It is a standard procedure, and you can prove with your job offer in your country.

    These J-1 exchange visitors are required to return to their home country or country of last permanent residency for a period of two years, after their exchange program completion. During this two-year period, the alien would not be eligible for H or L visa and cannot adjust to U.S. permanent residency status. The alien may enter the U.S. on another basis such as a B-1 visitor visa, but any time spent out of the home country will not be counted toward the two years of residency in the home country.





