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F1 for 14 year old

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  • F1 for 14 year old

    I need some information about how to get a F1 visa for my brother who is a 14 year old. He will finish 9th this year in December from an American in Saudi Arabia. I want to get him to USA to pursue his education from the 10th. Does anyone know if F1 or any kind of Student visa or some other visa catagory are issued to a 14 year old minor. Please advice.

  • #2
    The links below will explain. F1 status in public schools is out of question for under college level education. You should look at private schooling options.

    Last edited by txh1b; 09-14-2008, 05:58 PM.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      Why do I see the following on the link that you sent.

      This means there is no age limit for F1.

      What is Needed to Apply for a Student Visa?

      As part of the visa application process, an interview at the embassy consular section is required for visa applicants from age 14 through 79. Persons age 13 and younger, and age 80 and older, generally do not require an interview, unless requested by embassy or consulate.

      I also got the followin information while searching:

      Become an expert or ask an advisor about ANY subject, such as financial advice or medical questions, at this question-and-answer community.


      • #4
        This is not an official government website; policies have changed. When in doubt, check the USCIS, Department of State websites.

        Many things changed for visitors to the US after September 11, 2001.

        There are restrictions on F1 for elementary and secondary education as you were advised earlier. Check the USCIS website.





