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Emergency appointment F1 Chennai

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  • Emergency appointment F1 Chennai

    I stay in the US on F1 visa. I come under Chennai consulate.
    I need to visit India during November. I fall under the category of "visa not rejected in last 6 months" and "visa expired more than 12 months ago". I am unable to get visa appointment.
    I wrote to chennai consulate and I was told that I could take emergency appointment.

    The emergency rules for F1 visa states that "start date of school should be within 120 days".

    My question: Can I go to India from US and attend for visa using emergency appointment. would I be questioned that I was aware of absence of appointment before I visited India?

    Please help!

  • #2
    Book your appointment in advance and then plan your trip. You could end up without an emergency appointment and would have to lose your student status probably, if you don't get back on time for your exams this semester.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      Originally posted by txh1b
      Book your appointment in advance and then plan your trip. You could end up without an emergency appointment and would have to lose your student status probably, if you don't get back on time for your exams this semester.
      Thank you for your reply. I shall book an appointment before I go (most probably). But do you know if I can use emergency appointment stating that the school starts within 2 months? Consider that I am visiting India being aware that normal appointments are not available. Would I be questioned about this? please explain


      • #4
        I thought you had already confirmed it with the most reliable resource, the chennai consulate. Why are you concerned? They will not question it.

        I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


        • #5
          Sorry for asking again... I am getting mixed replies from chennai consulate.

          Do anyone know if emergency appointments are applicable to returning students (students who travel to India for a visit)?
          I am confused because the rule says "unforeseen travel"

          Did anyone take such appointment where you visited India not as a part of 'defined emergencies'?

          Please help!


          • #6
            Sailing in the same boat

            Hi Pavan,

            Please let me know what you heard about this issue coz I am in the same situation as you. I converted from H-1 to F-1 in August within the U.S and am travelling to India in December and am unable to find any visa dates. My school starts in Jan. Let me know if emergency appointments apply to us.



            • #7
              same case

              Pavan, I come under the same category and got my F-1 status in September. you did not mention your I 20 start date and mine is Dec 15th and I could not get regular visa dates but did not want to go for emergency appointment because I could not go to India before 15 dec coz of my sem exams. I am too not sure if I can go for emergency case of dec 15th since my sem starts on jan 12 2009. The consular is concerned only about start date on i 20 he may not listen any excuses. meanwhile if you come across regular available dates please let me know, I was looking for almost 2 wks.





