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Travel On F-1 Plzzzzzzz Respond

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  • Travel On F-1 Plzzzzzzz Respond

    I am a student here in the USA doing master of health care administration on f-1 visa, I have a valid i-20(stamped date of entry september 12), this is my first semester.
    my questions are
    1-is it possible to travel to my country during the winter semester for only 2 weeks with my valid i-20 or should i request the program director at the university to issue a new i-20. If i am going to travel with my current i-20does the program director sign it and indicate the date of my departure or arrival?
    2-if it is not possible to travel during the semester, and i am going to travel during the vacation between the winter and summer semester, do i need a new i-20 or is it ok to travel and return back with the current one?
    i.e what are the steps that i should take before i travel to my country so that i don't fall out of status?

  • #2
    You need to go to your school's internation student advisor, and they will sign the third page of your I-20, that is all you need apart from a valid F1 visa.
    This is my opinion and not legal advice.





