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F1 and F2 together

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  • F1 and F2 together

    Hello all. My wife has been accepted to a state university for a PhD and has TA covering all her expenses and I, as a F2 dependent, I will be sponsoring myself. I am employed at XYZ organization and can justify my savings required for my full stay of 4 years.

    However, we have legal marriage certificate issued only a few weeks ago, although we have been married since a year. We had no big ceremony, it was kind of a eloped situation. We have no big marriage pictures but a small two people in a temple kind of marriage situation and we have plenty of pictures of us being together, chats and conversations from 2 years ago.

    Will it be sufficient to convince the marriage being legit or is it a red flag to attend visa interview together? What can be done to make it convincing? Further me taking a break and accompanying my wife for full 4 years of her study is okay to say or should I say that I will be there until she feels comfortable and I will be back to my home country.

    Help required. Thanks.​

  • #2
    To convince you that your marriage is legal, you should provide a valid marriage certificate and other evidence such as photos and relevant documents. Attending the visa interview together is not necessarily a red flag if you have sufficient evidence that your relationship is genuine and long-term. You should state your stay plan with transparency that you will be staying with your wife for the entire duration of her studies to increase your credibility.





