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Didn't get paid by my employer worked under CPT

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  • Didn't get paid by my employer worked under CPT

    Hi everyone !

    I am an international student and was about to get graduate in a month now, recently i got a job offer and got permission from my university to work under CPT.

    I started my work in mid january and today is March 2nd still my employer didnt gave me a single penny.I really dunno to whom should i report this.

    I do not want to work with my employer anymore but how to get my money back? Is there any legal way ?

    What are my students rights ???
    I really appreciate if you guys can help me out !

    Thank you in advanced

  • #2
    Your employment is governed by labor laws. Dept. of Labor should be able to help you get unpaid wages. Search their website for complaining.
    This is my opinion and not legal advice.





