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QA job????

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  • QA job????

    Hii everyone

    My name is Keni, from India. I graduated 1 month ago. I did Master's in Information Technology from Boston, Massachusetts. I am looking for a job.

    I have absolutely no knowledge about coding. I did have Java course in my Master's but never understood the importance of it. I never tried to learn much, I was lucky to pass (my professor has a kind heart I guess ). Now that I graduated I am left with no choice. I dont have any knowledge in developing and I have to have a job to survive.

    To put salt on my open would, US govt gave me only 90 days of span to look for job. Out of which 1 month has already passed and I am left with just 2 months. I had been applying to companies but we all know 1 out of 10 jobs are for foreign students and the rest are for US citizens.

    One of friends advised me to go for software testing job since it requires not much coding skill-set. I would like to ask you, is it possible for person with not much coding knowledge to go for a testing job. If yes then how do I proceed?

    Do you think I need to join "desi" consultancy to get trained and placed by them or can I myself try for the entry level job in QA.

    PS: I did call up some desi consultancies to know if they provide training in QA., they said they do but they are asking me to get trained for whole one month, after which they would place me in a month. Does it really take so long to learn testing tools?

    Waiting for help. Thanks

  • #2
    Hi Keni, the way you have described seems to me you are a software engineering student or have studied software engineering courses. if that is the case then you wont have issues with QA job. But for a better career i would recommend going for Automation QA tester. Since you have some java background it will be easy for you to go for automation testing. Whichever career path you choose it is good to spend sometime now and mould your career rather than start something just for the sake of survival. Like everybody else, i would recommend finding a full-time job vs desi consultants, even if that means lot of struggle initially but you will have a good future. Ofcourse you might have to workout something for your OPT. Since you already have software background you don't need training for QA. Just hang in there, keep your patience and mould your career you will be fine. All the best.





