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Frequent Vistis under Visa Waiver

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  • Frequent Vistis under Visa Waiver

    I'm a 27 year old UK Citizen and currently Engaged to a US Citizen. We are tying the knot in Ireland next March and moving there in January. We are even in the process of purchasing property in Ireland.

    I have been making prolonged trips to the US over the course of the year to assist my Fiancee with uprooting her life in the US. I stayed 4 weeks from July - August with a week gap and 4 weeks again from August to September. I am planning on entering one more time in order to help her pack up her apartment and the intention is to spend some time travelling and head to Ireland after the holidays.

    My concern is that such long and repeated visits will be deemed suspicious and may cause issues upon my next entry. Should I bring as much evidence to prove my intended move to Ireland? Wedding plans? Will this be enough or should I pursue a different way of entering?





