First of all, thank you for creating and maintaining www.immihelp.com - it
is a tremendously useful site to anyone needing any information regarding
US immigration/visit-related issues.
I realize you must get a lot of questions and inquiries - I just have a
simple question regarding the Visa Waiver Program, the answer to which I
couldn't find on your site.
When can the individual that has entered and left the US on the VWP, come
back to the US and attempt to enter using the VWP period again?
Is there a period that has to elapse between the time the person legally
left the US at the expiration of their VWP stay, before they can come back again?
Or can the person attempt to return anytime, after they have left the US?
This would help me out greatly - thank you so much in advance for your
First of all, thank you for creating and maintaining www.immihelp.com - it
is a tremendously useful site to anyone needing any information regarding
US immigration/visit-related issues.
I realize you must get a lot of questions and inquiries - I just have a
simple question regarding the Visa Waiver Program, the answer to which I
couldn't find on your site.
When can the individual that has entered and left the US on the VWP, come
back to the US and attempt to enter using the VWP period again?
Is there a period that has to elapse between the time the person legally
left the US at the expiration of their VWP stay, before they can come back again?
Or can the person attempt to return anytime, after they have left the US?
This would help me out greatly - thank you so much in advance for your