First of all I want to say thank you for a most informative website! I`m so happy I found it and the information it contained. I do have a situation that I need some advise on. I am currently married to my wife, a US citizen. I am from Norway. Right now she is in the US, while I am in Norway due to sickness in her family so she had to leave Norway earlier this summer. My plan is to leave Norway for the US on Aug 19. My problem is I dont have a visa of any kind.
So my question is: can I still enter the US on the VWP and adjust status once I get in when my wife files the I-130 for both of us? Or do I have to leave again after three months? Will they even let me in if this is my situation? What will be the consequenses of bein turned away, will that hinder any later filing for spouse visa?
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions, it is much appreciated.
First of all I want to say thank you for a most informative website! I`m so happy I found it and the information it contained. I do have a situation that I need some advise on. I am currently married to my wife, a US citizen. I am from Norway. Right now she is in the US, while I am in Norway due to sickness in her family so she had to leave Norway earlier this summer. My plan is to leave Norway for the US on Aug 19. My problem is I dont have a visa of any kind.
So my question is: can I still enter the US on the VWP and adjust status once I get in when my wife files the I-130 for both of us? Or do I have to leave again after three months? Will they even let me in if this is my situation? What will be the consequenses of bein turned away, will that hinder any later filing for spouse visa?
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions, it is much appreciated.