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Need Answers Please. Parents received 221g

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  • Need Answers Please. Parents received 221g

    Hi immihelp,

    I need some answers in this situation.PLease help.

    My parents was given 221g after the officer asked following questions.

    Officer to Father - Which language she(my mother) will speak?
    Father - She can understand hindi but can speak Bengali
    then the officer asked few other questions to my father about me (the sponsor) and was satisfied with it.
    After that she gave 221g saying my parents to contact after one week and fix another appointment when a bengali translator is available.
    She returned the passports along with the Visa issuance demand draft.

    1.Does this mean that Visa is rejected?
    2.when my parents get the next appointment, do they need to reapply with another ds-156?
    3.Do they need to pay any additional fee again with the next appointment?


  • #2
    I don't think 221g means visa rejection. All it means is that they need to look at some more documents, or in your case a translator.
    I was given 221g 4 times back in 1999 and i never had to pay the fees again. i just went there and produced the documents they wanted to look at. I am not sure if it has changed now but thats how it was back then.


    • #3
      221(g) does not mean visa rejection, it means the counslar needs some more information and there is no need for application fees, though another appointment and all the documents are required again along with the letter that counslar gave (used to be green letter which is 221(g) letter)

      Same thing happened wih my wife around 8 months back and after showing the documents that the counslar requested, visa was granted.





