Thanks for your information. My in-laws got the visitors visa stamped.
PLease let your parents/relatives/friends carry their last 3-4 tax documents and PAN number (income Tax ID)
Would like to ask this question:
My mother-in-law has first name and alias name on her passport. The issued visitor's visa does not has her first name listed not her alaias name.
Please advise what is the best way to add the alias name and if not edited would there be a problem travelling.
Thanks for your information. My in-laws got the visitors visa stamped.
PLease let your parents/relatives/friends carry their last 3-4 tax documents and PAN number (income Tax ID)
Would like to ask this question:
My mother-in-law has first name and alias name on her passport. The issued visitor's visa does not has her first name listed not her alaias name.
Please advise what is the best way to add the alias name and if not edited would there be a problem travelling.