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Documents queries - pls help!

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  • Documents queries - pls help!

    Hi, Applying for Visitors Visa. Regarding the documents I am taking to the interview, I have the following questions:

    1. Bank statements - we don't get paper statements, only Online. Is it ok to print such statements from the bank website? It contains the Bank logo but it is not on the bank letterhead. Therefore, is it necessary to get Bank Seal on the print-out?

    2. At the interview, do we have to take 1 set of originals and 1 set of photocopies for all documents - investment papers, employment papers?

    3. If so, for investments like Post office, LIC, RBI Bonds, PPF - do we have to carry the actual Passbooks, Bonds, Policies, etc plus a photocopy of all of them?

    4. For Shares - can we take a Print-out from the website through which trading is done - something like a Statement of Holding of Shares? This shows all the shares, their names, how many shares, value. But it does not mention the person's name, it mentions only his code. Is this ok?

    Since it is a print-out from the website, it just has the website address mentioned at the bottom of the page. No letterhead or anything. Is this OK?

    5. Salary slips - We don't get paper pay slips. Can we take print-outs from the payroll administration website?

    6. Is it advisable to take a Tentative Travel itinerary from Travel agent? Any format?

    Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    You have not mentioned whether the documents you have mentioned are from your US sponsor or from here.You can take copies of the US documents like pay slip, bank A/cs, shares, etc., but if you talking of your documents from here, it is better to carry all the originals. But going by the trend at all the US Consulates, its more of what impression you create at the interview, and what you put on your application form that really matters!


    • #3
      Hi, Thanks for your advice.

      These are all documents from my side. I am financing my own trip and so I am not getting Sponsor documents.

      I guess it is better to take the originals and 1 photocopy of everything? What do you suggest?

      And yeah, i agree with you that it seems to depend more on the interview and the impression you create there!





