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Why my brother didn't get visa with parents ?

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  • Why my brother didn't get visa with parents ?


    After I became US citizen, I applied for my parents as well my bother who was 17 years old at that time.

    I got letter after that for my parents will get visa in 365 days but we didnot got any letter for my brother. When i call them they said it goes into "Brother-sister catagory". Minor kids is catagory matters ?

    Do you think as my brother is minor he should get visa at the same time when my parents got ? How minor kids stay alone in back home country without parents ? Is law change for minor kids ?
    My parents got visa call in one year i applied but didnot get anything for my brother.

    What should i do for my brother to call him USA soon ? What are the alternatives that we should tried to call him here, as my parents are worried about him.

    Please let me know what to do.

    Thanks :
    Last edited by vaishu01; 07-27-2005, 11:50 AM.

  • #2
    Only your parents, your spouse and unmarried children less than 21 (if any)
    can get immigrant visas on the basis of the unlimited family based
    category (where there is no wait). NOT YOUR BROTHER, doesn't
    matter if he is minor or adult.

    You will have to file for him under F4 category which has a long wait.
    Or your parents could file for him under F2 category when they get their green cards which again has many years wait.

    You could get him to US on a student visa after he completes high
    school at home country.





