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Lived in America as a kid + Freelancing question

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  • Lived in America as a kid + Freelancing question

    Hello all, new to this forum.

    So far the information has been very helpful i found here but i still have a couple of questions to which i couldnt find a good answer:

    1) I lived in America with my family for around 5 years as a kid (age 9-14, years 1999-2004). Back then i had a 10 year visa which expired, and since then my passport has been replaced (it was cut up by my niece ....), so i dont have any record of that visa.
    My question is should i say in the DS-160 that indeed i lived in America for 5 years, does this go against me? As i am planning on visiting friends from that time there, amongst other traveling plans i have there. I was planning on saying that i am visiting child hood friends. I know i shouldnt lie but i could also say that i met them while they were traveling in my country.

    2) I am a freelance programmer, working with my brother, i have no papers what so ever showing my tie to this, he just gives me money every month. We work with a client in America. Should i even mention this? I can also say i work at my families bed and breakfast (which i do) and they pay me. Which option is better?

    Thank you very much for any help in advance.

    P.S my interview is in 4 days so if i can get some tips fast that would much appreciated!

  • #2
    You should seek advice before you plan to apply.

    I do not know which country you are applying in but your young age, single marital status(I assume) , no documentable stable employment and
    above all , a very casual purpose to visit friends; all these point towards a sure denial .

    Your childhood stay seems illegal too, staying 5 years on a visitor visa . You should declare it, but I suggest you
    withdraw your application and apply later when your situation is better.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply (and warning)

      I am an israeli and now i live in spain, so im applying in madrid.

      I described it wrong my visa while i lived in america, i dont remember 100% but it couldnt have been a tourist visa because we lived there with my whole family and we never had any issues when we flew out of the country. I think it was a business visa of some kind.

      I know these things work against me, but i also am a student signed in to a course for later in the year (i am on a student visa until i get my residentship in 6 months), i have my family in Spain and papers showing i am working in the bed and breakfast business, i have a rental contract for an apartment for a year, i have my own bank account with money and recent movement in it. i have a girlfriend i live with and plan to marry (but of course there is no way to actually prove it but its true). To me it looks like im starting a new life in Spain, which i am, so shouldnt that give me a chance to get a visa?

      Ive also made an itinerary of my travel, got letters from friends in america saying they know me and that i will stay with them and will make sure i leave on time. I even rented a car and booked a hotel and will be an airplane ticket before my interview to show my intent on coming back (all cancellable in the case i dont get my visa)...

      Still dont think its worth a try?


      • #4
        What did you write on DS 160 about these;

        Who will be spending for the trip?
        How long do you wish to stay?
        Did you mention about your friends?


        • #5
          I didnt submit yet the DS-160. Also i forgot to mention that i got denied this tourist visa 2 months ago, this is my second attempt.

          Originally posted by peace999 View Post
          What did you write on DS 160 about these;

          Who will be spending for the trip? -
          - My girlfriend and i will split the cost, i have a bank account to show and i can show her savings account.

          How long do you wish to stay?
          -3 Months

          Did you mention about your friends?
          -Yes i have letters from friends saying they know me and they vouch for me.
          Last edited by shakazulu89; 01-05-2013, 08:44 AM.


          • #6
            You wrote like you were applying for the first time.

            If you have been denied once and I do not think much has changed in 2 months ; you will be denied again.

            Be smart.


            • #7
              The first time i was under prepared. I stammered giving my answers. This time i have more confident answers for the questions he may ask.

              For example: He asked what am i doing in spain.. i said im a student .. this time i will say i live in spain, my life is in spain.

              Also i know its not fool proof but luck is involved, and the first time i received an extremely impatient interviewer, i noticed while waiting he was rejecting almost everyone, giving each one around 20-30 seconds.

              I know for myself that this is just a trip, i have no plans to stay there. So i should be able to convey that to him, i hope.


              • #8
                Originally posted by peace999 View Post
                You wrote like you were applying for the first time.

                If you have been denied once and I do not think much has changed in 2 months ; you will be denied again.

                Be smart.

                had my interview today

                ...... got my visa for one year!

                good thing i didnt listen to you





