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Please help! Wife needs to withdraw I-134 affidavit of support her alcoholic father!!

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  • Please help! Wife needs to withdraw I-134 affidavit of support her alcoholic father!!

    My wife sponsored the I-134 affidavit of support for her parents for the B2 visa. Visa approved for them at Chennai - it's valid for 10 years from 2012 till 2022. Normally it is a good thing but it turns out her father has become very much an alcoholic (he didn't have this much problem 3-4 years ago) and gets psychotic when drunk. During their visit to get US visa in Chennai, my wife gave them the I-134 letter and in that letter said she will be responsible for the healthcare, and all expenses of her mother and father.

    Even my mother in law is worried her husband might cause himself some serious health and police problems with his behavior (he did some damage to my neighbor's property but luckily there was no police case as the neighbors are good friends of hours and we settled privately!). Wife and mother in law convinced father in law to go back to India (along with mother in law) soon.

    My wife wants to cancel her affidavit of support for her father as it's a HUGE liability and can bankrupt us as his visa is valid till 2012. What is the protocol or form to undo the affidavit of support if my father in law insists on coming to US again? (that way even if he comes - he shouldn't if we have our way -- but if he comes somehow, that we are not held responsible for all the ruckus he does?


  • #2
    There is no such thing as canceling the affidavit of support.

    And not to worry. I -134 is more of a formality and is not enforcable on the sponsor.
    Because it is for a very temporary visa like a visitor visa.
    Its main purpose is to overcome the non-admissibility law at the embassy level for people who cannot fund their visit to US.
    Once the person is in US, it is not enforced.

    That is why they have a separate enforcable I-864 affidavit of support for immigrants.

    Best thing in your case is to not let him visit the US. You can also get his visa cancelled by writing to the consulate.
    But that action may put his wife's visa in jeopardy too. ( they may cancel her visa too as both were granted together,
    you never know)





