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documents arrangement

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  • documents arrangement

    can someone here help me arrange my documents? from FAMILY documents to BUSINESS...to BANK and to supporting documents. is there a right orders of papers so that when the interviewing officers ask for such papers, i can easily give it to him. can a life insurance serves as a supporting documents?


  • #2
    Yes, life insurance is important, serves to show that you want to spend
    your life in India. There is no order required. Just keep them in a file folder for
    ready access, in case the consular asks for something specific. A lot of times, they do not even look at any document and decide on the basis of your answers.


    • #3
      so the most important thing is preparation, first impression and the way answering the questions. is there a case that the VO gives u a visa just referring on DS-157?

      can u give me an idea how is the situation and process inside the consulate? is there a certain document that need to be submitted while waiting to be called? what are the documents that are going to submit when iam infront of him?


      • #4
        Exactly, that is how it is. Rehearse answers to the most common questions;
        for example, "what is your annual income?"
        The bigger that figure the better.
        A lot of visas get decided on the basis of this q only without any need to
        look at anything else.

        The visas are not granted only by looking at the form. You will have to
        answer some qs.

        You will only show him any documents that he asks for. Do get an invitation
        letter from your hosts because that may be asked for.
        Last edited by pons1; 08-09-2005, 09:13 AM.


        • #5
          my another question is, does letter of invitation is enough to show that i will be staying in their house. iam sponsoring my self in this travel thats why im not asking for their bank accounts or any proof of their income. do i still need to ask my aunt to send me letter that shes inviting me? address to me or to the consulate?

          again pons1 thanksssss for the big big help


          • #6
            Yes, you will require the invitation letter even if you are self sponsoring.
            Your aunt can write about her visa status and her employer on the
            invitation letter.


            • #7
              okay. thank you!!!


              • #8

                1. do i need to show a proof to anything i say during interview? for example, if i say that the reason why i wish to travel to us is to visit my ill grandmother, do i need to show some medical records? problem is, the doctor of my grandmother dont want to send medical certificates, its not allowed for them to do so according to him. if i bring some proof of surgery and check ups, is it enough to justify?

                2. what is the best answer to a question, How long do u intend to stay in us? is 1 month or 2 okay? or i need to be exact?

                hope to hear some suggestions...thanks
                ....any suggestions please
                Last edited by samaya; 08-12-2005, 12:02 AM.


                • #9

                  1. do i need to show a proof to anything i say during interview? for example, if i say that the reason why i wish to travel to us is to visit my ill grandmother, do i need to show some medical records? problem is, the doctor of my grandmother dont want to send medical certificates, its not allowed for them to do so according to him. if i bring some proof of surgery and check ups, is it enough to justify?

                  2. what is the best answer to a question, How long do u intend to stay in us? is 1 month or 2 okay? or i need to be exact?

                  hope to hear some suggestions...thanks
                  ....any suggestions please


                  • #10
                    1. You won't need to show any medical records.

                    2. Since you will be leaving your running business in India,
                    your stay for the interview purpose better be short (2 weeks).


                    • #11
                      ohh i see... im really learning a lot from you.


                      • #12
                        And I am not too sure your reason to visit your grandmother will go through.


                        • #13
                          i hope i can pass because i really need to see her now. my grandpa expired a year ago and dont have a chance to see him and i dont want that happens again to my grandma. i wish to see her because its her birthday on November and this trip is really a surprise for her...i hope iam lucky to convince the visa officer.


                          • #14
                            Take some pictures of old days where you can prove that your grandmother raised you. You can even take your chance by explaining the situation to the Officer before he actually asks you questions as to your reason to visit USA
                            (NOT LEGAL ADVICE)


                            • #15
                              yes i have some photos to bring. how can i start to explain this during interview if the consul is not asking me? if she ask what is my purpose? is this the right timing to discuss it to her? will she not get irritated to me if i answer very long?

                              im sorry for my many many questions to you guys, i hope iam not irritating anyone of you, just wanna be prepared, i hope u understand, tnx





