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Visa validity if not used?

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  • Visa validity if not used?

    Hi all,

    I have a general question with regards to my visa. I was issued a tourist visa when I was working in Lagos about 7 years ago. After that, I have now returned back to India, and here for the last 6 years or so. Unfortunately, I never got the opportunity to use my visa and travel to the US during this period. But finally, I am getting a couple months off and I have decided to visit the US. Also, the visa was issued in my old passport, which expired this year and I have received my new passport, with which I shall be travelling. I have a couple of questions based on my situation:

    1) Since I haven't used the visa for a long time, will this be a problem? I heard from a few people that if you don't travel within 6 months to a year of visa issuance, the visa will become invalid. Is this true? Will be create an issue at immigration as well?

    2) Since the visa is in my old passport, will I still be able to enter the US? is the visa still valid?

    Do let me know. I'll really appreciate it. Looking forward to your responses. Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    !. You have been told wrong. The visa is valid till it is valid. Its non-use does not affect its validity.
    2.Make sure the visa in the old passport is not damaged( punched/marked/stamped when old passport was cancelled).
    If it is not damaged, all you have to do is carry both passports while travelling. Show both passports to immigration.
    It is no problems.
    You are good to go to US.


    • #3
      Thanks. That clears it up a bit





