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Refusal of visit visa even after Fourth attempt

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  • Refusal of visit visa even after Fourth attempt

    This is the fourth time that my parents were refused a Nonimmigrant Visa from the US Embassy, Islamabad and again they were given the same pre-printed excuse letter clause 214b section 101a:15. However, the visa officer told my parents that she could not issue the visa because they have never been to any western country. First of all, my parents have never needed to go to any other country. I am their only relative either in the USA or in any other western country. They just wanted to visit me and my wife, to witness their grandson’s arrival, and to see some parts of this country. There should not be any relation between a US Visa and a visit to any other western/European countries. This is a very ridiculous excuse for refusal.

    After this fourth poor experience with the US Embassy, I am convinced that the US Embassy is nothing more than a business franchise that is taking advantage of people over there. They charge a non-refundable $100 fee per person for each application, and then there is a fee for visa processing that you must pay to American Express, not to mention the charges for transportation from the embassy to the US Embassy bus station (you cannot use your own transportation to get to the US Embassy). And that’s not all! Once you apply for a Nonimmigrant Visa there is about a 3 month wait for an interview, during which about 95% of those who apply will be refused. There is only one US Embassy in Pakistan – in Islamabad - and people travel from all over the country to get there. They spend a large amount of money on hotel, food, travel and transportation, just for an interview, which doesn’t seem to matter at all to the US Embassy. And on top of that, you cannot appeal a refusal; you must re-apply if you want to appeal and have to again pay all those expenses. It’s ridiculous!

    I am very upset and frustrated, and helpless that I cannot do any thing, there is no one that I can complain or ask for explanations. My parent were refused twice in 1998 and thirdly in April 2004 and this is the fourth time. And every time they were given same lam excuse clause 214b, I do not know how can they figured it out without looking at the documents, that an individual does not have strong ties with the country of residence. I even wrote a letter to the senator and ask for his help but it did not work.
    Last edited by Sargodhian; 08-23-2005, 04:44 PM.

  • #2
    You could take the help of a good immigration attorney (Someone who is
    familiar with circumstances in Pakistan) in US in preparing for a fifth

    By the way, what is your visa status in US and what do you do here
    and for how long?
    What do your parents do in Paksitan (permanent job, business)?
    Do you have any brothers or sisters in Pakistan or in the US?
    Have you sponsored your parents all the 4 attempts or did they
    show their own funds?
    What reason did they give for their trip?


    • #3
      I do no think my parents will try 5th time. They did not wanted to come in the first place but I insisted them.

      I am a green card holder, and work as a system application engineer for last 11 years.

      My father is a businessman; my mother is household wife. My father and other 3 brothers have pretty good textile related business baak in Pakistan and saudia

      I am the only one in my family who is in USA along with my wife, and we are expecting our first baby in the first week of September.

      I did not sponsor my parents first three times, they had enough funds and property to show, but this time I did included form I-134

      All four time they gave exactly same pre-printed letter clause 214b, “unable to prove strong ties with the country of residence”. But this time there was one more ridiculous excuse that my parents never been to any western country therefore they can not issue US visa.

      Thing that makes me upset is that they do not look even a single document and just give wrong decision, all three times my parents had all the necessary documents to prove strong ties with the country of residence, but visa office never bother to look at it


      • #4
        If you read this forum, they do it all the time;
        decide on the basis of how their questions are answered and not look at any documents. It does not come out fairly in a lot of cases.

        I think your parents' case looked strong with plenty of ties to pakistan,
        it is sad they were denied. If they remember what questions they were
        asked, and the answers they gave, we can probably analyse why they were


        • #5
          In first three interview they asked exactly same three question:
          1. What your son do?
          2. Where he works and live?
          3. What do you do

          In fourth Interview they asked:
          1. What your son do?
          2. How many son do you have in Pakistan and in USA?
          Then they ask for Bank statment which my father provided the visa officer, and finally they asked
          3. have you ever been to any western country?


          • #6
            Do you have any brothers/sisters in Pakistan?
            Did they show a good bank balance?

            Chances of refusal increase when there are no kids in homecountry
            and funds shown are marginal.


            • #7
              I have all my siblings in Pakistan. I am the only one in my family here in USA. They had pretty good bank balance but visa officer never bother to look at even a single documents. Looks like it was pre-decided


              • #8
                Did you or your parents by any chance mention directly or in the forms that they want to visit you coz you are expecting a baby. coz that can be a reason for denial. Visitor visa is not for pregnency, it's for tourism.


                • #9
                  I only mentioned that they wanted to visit us to see our newly born baby


                  • #10
                    Really sorry for what happened

                    suggestion : May be keep senators letter on the top next time





