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Tourist Visa Application Inquiry

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  • Tourist Visa Application Inquiry

    Hi! I'm Malaya. And I'm planning on applying for a tourist visa. But before I go ahead I want to ask anyone. I have some inquiries and I can't seem to find a similar situation online.

    I have a Philippine passport and a German residence permit (I'm a Filipino married to a German). I am currently self-employed, since I have plans of traveling a lot this year and I don't want to be constricted with a work schedule. I can bring my work with me anyhow (I write e-books and I do a lot of small side stuff online). Plus my father would want to help me financially with the vacation, I also have a couple of relatives in the US. That's why I want to go there, to meet up with friends and relatives. I have a few questions in mind:

    * We have a owned house in Germany.
    * I am self-employed
    * How much money should be in my bank account?
    * How much is the Visa application?
    * If approved am I required to buy a round trip ticket?
    * What is the likelihood of my application being approved?

    I would greatly appreciate future comments or answers to my post.

    Thanks and have a good day everyone!

  • #2
    Visa application is USD 160, non refundable if denied.
    Yes, you will have to buy a round trip ticket if approved.
    MOre important than bank balances is yearly income.

    Other questions, you have to give more info;

    Where are you maintaining your residence at this time; in germany or in phillip.?
    What is your income yearly ( fair, mediocre, very good)?
    What does your husband do , and how is his income?
    Do you live with him and have any children?
    Why is he not travelling to US?
    What relatives do you have in US on what visas?
    Have you ever been denied a US visa?
    Duration of your trip?


    • #3
      Originally posted by peace999 View Post
      Visa application is USD 160, non refundable if denied.
      Yes, you will have to buy a round trip ticket if approved.
      MOre important than bank balances is yearly income.

      Other questions, you have to give more info;

      Where are you maintaining your residence at this time; in germany or in phillip.?
      What is your income yearly ( fair, mediocre, very good)?
      What does your husband do , and how is his income?
      Do you live with him and have any children?
      Why is he not travelling to US?
      What relatives do you have in US on what visas?
      Have you ever been denied a US visa?
      Duration of your trip?
      Our residence is in Germany.
      Our income yearly is relatively fair.
      My husband is also self-employed, he buys and sells domains/websites. We live in the Philippines during winter time in Germany. To avoid the cold..
      We don't have any children. I'm 28 years old and my husband is 30 years old, and he loves to travel.
      The reason why he's not traveling with me is because he already made traveling plans in Australia. We're planning to meet in the Philippines after my vacation (if I'm able to get a tourist visa).
      My cousins are permanent residents/American citizens in the US.
      No. This is my first time to apply if ever.
      I'm planning, if ever given a visa to stay there for 2-3 months..

      Thanks so much for your reply. It really helps.


      • #4
        *travelling without your husband
        * for a longer period of a few months,
        *you have no fixed job/business in germany( self employed),
        *your dad funding your trip and not yourself or your husband.

        all these are negatives and some officers may think you may not come back.
        I think there is a 50-50 chance depending on the officer.

        It would have been better if you would have planned a trip to US with your husband,
        that would have been much more natural and chances would have been better for you.

        Another possibliity is;
        Do you plan to get german citizenship and passport in the near future? If yes,
        then I suggest you wait for that and then you won't require a US visa.
        Last edited by peace999; 07-12-2013, 09:33 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by peace999 View Post
          *travelling without your husband
          * for a longer period of a few months,
          *you have no fixed job/business in germany( self employed),
          *your dad funding your trip and not yourself or your husband.

          all these are negatives and some officers may think you may not come back.
          I think there is a 50-50 chance depending on the officer.

          It would have been better if you would have planned a trip to US with your husband,
          that would have been much more natural and chances would have been better for you.

          Another possibliity is;
          Do you plan to get german citizenship and passport in the near future? If yes,
          then I suggest you wait for that and then you won't require a US visa.
          I used to have a regular day job, but it gives us time constraints with the lifestyle that we are living. The house that we own here in Germany is paid cash, not a loan (I don't think this matter though). A reason to definitely come back here. It's not really my dad funding the trip. I have a piece of land in the Philippines that I'm selling (I'm not there, so my dad is the one doing the negotiations), and I will use that money to have a vacation in the US if possible.

          My husband and I are always together, and it will be a little nice to have some time on our own. It's either we meet there in US (if ever or in the Philippines).

          I was planning to apply for citizenship to be able to travel visa free, but it takes more time than we anticipated, and this time is the right time for us to travel. I was going to try my luck if ever, applying for a visa. But knowing this now, I think I have to reconsider or try my luck if ever.

          It's really nice to get to talk to someone about all these. Thank you very much, peace999.. It is really helpful..


          • #6
            Told my husband about the 50/50 chance. So he'll just come with me there too. If my visa application will be approved..


            • #7
              You have to plan it and complete the form DS 160 carefully.

              Include him as a co-traveler in the form.
              Take his passport copy and income/work documents to the interview.
              Duration of stay is important . Long durations like several months can be very negative.
              the officers think how can one be away from one's work ( even if self employed) and home for so long.

              Just write a month's duration . And at the interview tell them a month's vacation to US with your husband.

              And remember , in the end it is at the discretion of the officer to grant you the visa. Nothing is guaranteed.
              Last edited by peace999; 07-13-2013, 11:52 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by peace999 View Post
                You have to plan it and complete the form DS 160 carefully.

                Include him as a co-traveler in the form.
                Take his passport copy and income/work documents to the interview.
                Duration of stay is important . Long durations like several months can be very negative.
                the officers think how can one be away from one's work ( even if self employed) and home for so long.

                Just write a month's duration . And at the interview tell them a month's vacation to US with your husband.

                And remember , in the end it is at the discretion of the officer to grant you the visa. Nothing is guaranteed.
                Thanks, peace999! You're really helpful.. Will do this next week.. Thanks again..


                • #9
                  In my opinion, given what you've said, you shouldn't have too much of a problem getting a US visa.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cafeconleche View Post
                    In my opinion, given what you've said, you shouldn't have too much of a problem getting a US visa.
                    Thanks! Giving me some hope.. I appreciate it, I'm quite happy to read this.. It's just that my husband and I being not-so-young couple, are leading a different lifestyle.. We are both self-employed so we can bring our work with us, when traveling together or not.. And decided on not having any kids yet so we can enjoy our time.. And it's a blessing that my parents are quite generous to me..





