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Port of Entry - Visitor Traveling with Greencard holder

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  • Port of Entry - Visitor Traveling with Greencard holder


    I am green card holder and my got her visitor visa last month. Thank you again for all your help.

    She will be traveling with me to US. I have a very specific question at the port of entery.

    Since I am a Greencard holder I can go through Resident line, but since she will have visitor visa, can she join me in the same resident line insted of the other line.

    She cannot speak english.

    Thank you and apprecite your help.

  • #2
    Both of you go through the visitor line.

    Before she arrives here, make sure that you get visitors insurance for her, available for instant purchase at https://www.insubuy.com
    Immihelp Support
    No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

    Visa and Greencard Tracker

    Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


    • #3
      Thank you for yoru response.

      I have heard some people taking the resident line in this situation and had no problems. Any thoughts on that.

      Since you talked about visitor insurance, I have a very specific question about that.

      Will this insurnace cover for monthly test like blood test for some oen with pre existing condition like Diabetes, if not what is your sugestion?


      • #4
        You can try going in resident line as well. Whether they will allow or not is highly subjective and no one can predict that.
        Immihelp Support
        No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

        Visa and Greencard Tracker

        Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


        • #5
          No visitors insurance plans pays for routine health maintenance as that is a pure loss for any insurance company. You will have to just pay out of your pocket. Alternatively, you can purchase self testing kit from pharmacy, but insurance will not pay for that.

          Please let us know if you have any other questions.
          Thanks & Regards
          Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
          Local: (972) 985-4400
          Fax: (972) 767-4470
          Website: http://www.insubuy.com


          • #6
            Some people in your situation have gone through the residents and citizens queue. It depends on the airport, and the mood of the officers and other employees there.





