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B1 US visa

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  • B1 US visa

    Hallo Immihelp,

    I have an appeal for the US visa mid September, the first time my visa was denied yet the consular did not read all my papers only asked me where I was intending to travel, read my invitation letter and said that I had applied the wrong category then said besides the volunteer are already in the US and the next thing he gave me the general letter showing that I didn't intend to return to my country.

    Please help me, what documents do I need to carry and should I give the consular all the documents to read then ask questions later. I intend to volunteer in a non-governmental organization as a charity worker for an year. Can I apply as a visitor instead?

    Worried gal

  • #2
    worried gal

    Which country do you belong to and where did you apply?
    B1 (business visitor) is the right visa for volunteers.
    In theory you should have been granted the visa but since B1/B2 decision
    depends on consular's discretion, there are other factors that the consulars
    think of; like why would anyone want to go all the way to the US
    for charity work when there is so much to be done in most home countries and in the third world. This makes them suspect the applicant of
    immigrant intent, which is why they gave you the letter you mentioned.

    Since you are already committed to another interview, the best you
    can do is maybe try to link this volunteer position to your career at home
    like a letter from your employer at home requiring this experience or
    your plans after you return from the US. If you change your purpose
    of visit to tourist visitor(B2), it will not look good in the face of your
    first rejection with a different purpose and anyways B2s are not allowed
    to volunteer, (you'd need to change from B2 to B1 in the US).
    And maybe you should show a shorter period of volunteering(less than 6 mnths)rather than one year.
    Last edited by taco; 09-05-2005, 07:45 AM.





