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Help Please!! Mother's/Sister's Visa rejected 2nd time

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  • Help Please!! Mother's/Sister's Visa rejected 2nd time

    Help Please!! Mother's/Sister's Visa rejected 2nd time


    I’m on H4 and my husband on H1. My husband sent sponsorship papers for my mother and sister. My mother and sister (14 years) re-applied for visa for the 2nd time. My mother is a widow and a home-maker so does not have any monthly income coming in except property, savings etc. Their first time was rejected (in April 2005) because my mother didn't have all the property papers. The officer told her she doesn't have enough income so they cannot grant her visa.
    This time (Sep 2005) she had all the papers with her such as:
    v Property papers
    v Tax papers
    v Savings proofs
    v Bank statements
    v Invitation letters
    v Letter from my sister’s school
    v Letter from my brother's college who is still studying in Delhi
    v All other documentation needed from our end.

    This time when she went in, the officer asked her how long does she want to go for? My mother said 4-6 weeks. She said last time you had written 3-4 months, how come you had decreased the time so much. My mother replied, last time it was my sister’s summer holidays plus some extra ones she would’ve taken. Whereas this time they want to come when its dussera holidays and take a few more. That’s why less number of days this time. Then she asked a couple of regular questions like who stays in US? What does your son-in-law do? To which my mother replied honestly. The officer then without even touching the file or giving the papers a single look said she couldn’t grant visa, as my mother does not have enough income. My mother appealed that she should at least check the papers since she had got all the documents now. The officer refused to listen or see the file even once. Without looking at them she refused the visa again.

    We all are very disappointed and don’t know what to do now. Since my mother’s position will never change more than this. She will not start working all of a sudden just to show stead income. Besides, she has enough savings etc to support her and both my brother & sister. Please advice something. Is there any other way out? Will she never be able to come see us? Please help!


  • #2
    No way out because sadly she does not have the most important ties to India; husband, job or steady income. I don't imagine she will start work
    just to get a visa. And even if she does, there are still no guarantees.
    Last edited by taco; 09-09-2005, 10:03 AM.


    • #3
      hi sk_g
      dont loose hopes, there are ways where is will. next time let your mother apply only. Best tie is she has un married daughter, she can explain to consulate that she has to arrange wedding for her daughter so she will come back. enough money is not the reason consulate refused her visa, consulate always assume that people dont come back home if they dont have tie in home country.
      she can show income from property, (rent), interest from savings,

      I can understand your feelings about your mother, so please dont loose your heart, one day she will get visa.
      so many people get visa even in 4th attampt.
      good luck


      • #4
        Thanks Mahesh, Taco
        We have decided to re-apply without my sister the next time. But my mother is so upset, she doesn't want to go anymore beacuse she had all the property, saving papser etc. But the consulate did not even open her file. Just said that she does not ahve monthly income flowing in that why she cannot give her visa. My mother cannot even say about my sister's marraige as she is very young (14). We are so dissappinted. There's no reson she will stay back here but the consulate doesn not want to listen to anything.
        Do you have any advise on how much gap we should give before applying again?



        • #5
          Well, its not as bad as 4th time refusal

          My parents were refused a Nonimmigrant Visa from the US Embassy, Islamabad for the fourth time and again they were given the same pre-printed excuse letter clause 214b section 101a:15. However, the visa officer told my parents that she could not issue the visa because they have never been to any western country. First of all, my parents have never needed to go to any other country. I am their only relative either in the USA or in any other western country. They just wanted to visit me and my wife, to witness their grandson’s arrival, and to see some parts of this country. There should not be any relation between a US Visa and a visit to any other western/European countries. This is a very ridiculous excuse for refusal.

          After this fourth poor experience with the US Embassy, I am convinced that the US Embassy is nothing more than a business franchise that is taking advantage of people over there. They charge a non-refundable $100 fee per person for each application, and then there is a fee for visa processing that you must pay to American Express, not to mention the charges for transportation from the embassy to the US Embassy bus station (you cannot use your own transportation to get to the US Embassy). And that’s not all! Once you apply for a Nonimmigrant Visa there is about a 3 month wait for an interview, during which about 95% of those who apply will be refused. There is only one US Embassy in Pakistan – in Islamabad - and people travel from all over the country to get there. They spend a large amount of money on hotel, food, travel and transportation, just for an interview, which doesn’t seem to matter at all to the US Embassy. And on top of that, you cannot appeal a refusal; you must re-apply if you want to appeal and have to again pay all those expenses. It’s ridiculous!

          I am very upset and frustrated, and helpless that I cannot do any thing, there is no one that I can complain or ask for explanations. My parent were refused twice in 1998 and thirdly in April 2004 and this is the fourth time. And every time they were given same lam excuse clause 214b, I do not know how can they figured it out without looking at the documents, that an individual does not have strong ties with the country of residence. I even wrote a letter to the senator and ask for his help but it did not work.


          • #6
            I'm in the same boat as you are....

            Hello sk_g,

            My parents and my brother had been to US three years back for 6months and my Dad was given 10years visa where as my Mom and Brother were given only 6months then...now when they want to come over for the second time (even though they went back within the given time frame last time) they have been rejected twice and just today I came to know of the second rejection. They say my brother (13years) will miss his school and so cant grant a visa. If they don't want to grant a visa they will somehow come up with a reason to reject. I'm very disappointed as well but have no choice....my Mom said to the visa officer to grant her the visa atleast but looks like even she was not given the visa.



            • #7
              Do you think applying for my mother alone this time would make a difference?



              • #8
                yes, your mom should try alone, 13 years your old brother, is too young, no tie in his home country, and its better to apply when you dad in home country so your mom can explain to consulate that your dad wil take care of your younger brother


                • #9
                  My dad passed away 8 years back.





