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Visiting again in short while

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  • Visiting again in short while


    My mum just travelled to the US for 3 months and now there is a need to travel to another state with me as im going there for work. Previously she went to visit my sister in a different address. Last time she was there for 3 months came back in sep end, now she might travel in Dec or January. Will there be a problem? She has a 10 yr M entry visa...She has no history of staying extra time there in the US anytime , always traveled with a return ticket, even now it will be the same. But now she'll travel with me to another state due to my work that cannot be avoided.

    Please share your thoughts and recommendation about her travel this time to the US!


  • #2
    your post is confusing about her time in US.

    *can you give the m/yr when she was here last , m/yr she left and m/yr she returned again?
    *You say she is in US now, when did she come, when is she leaving and when is the last date of stay stamped on her passport?
    And you mean she wants to come back to US in dec/ jan?


    • #3
      Hi sorry about the confusion

      She was in the US from June 22nd 2013 to Sep 22nd 2013 , she is back in India now

      Now she might have to travel to the US in Jan 2014 or it could be Feb 2014 too, not sure about the month either jan/feb.

      so In the year 2013 she has been in India for 9 long months and in the US only for 3 months. Early 2014 she might have to travel...so my question here is : Will there be any problem travelling to the US again but to a different state? Pls reply!


      • #4
        A 5 to 6 month interval is good after a 3 month visit.
        So, if she travels in feb , she will be just fine. Even if she travels in Jan, they won't stop her but depending
        on the officer , she may get a shorter stay.

        It does not matter if she travels to a different state.





